Thursday, July 8, 2010


Too much fun and not enough time over the long weekend to post! Georgia came to me in the form of 3 crazy friends and my poor boyfriend who braved all the estrogen magnificently. We conquered DC in 2 days, despite the blistering heat, and managed to breeze through most of the tourist-y stuff. Note to self: next time I traverse through the memorials and Arlington Cemetery, I will bring a big floppy hat. Scalp burns are no joke.

My favorite things we did weren't even of the typical sight-seeing variety:
1) made sad faces at the NPR building security guard until she let us inside to at least look around the lobby and get free stuff
2) didn't get to go to the restaurant I picked in advance but found this awesome little Greek restaurant instead - if actual Greek people are eating there, you know it's good, and it was
3) stumbled upon an impromptu concert at Dupont Circle...they played everything, but my favorite was the Cash, of course
4) clogged up our arteries with delicious hunks of meat from Ray's Hellburgers (Obama ate here with Medvedev in June and Joe in May!)....unfortunately I failed to conquer mine but I WILL return
4) to top it all off, rather than roast in the sun all day on the Mall on the Fourth, we rolled into town later and watched the fireworks and drank margaritas from the 14th floor of a Chinatown apartment building, like real DC-ers

Overall, successful weekend:)
I love America!

Arguably one of the best things that makes America America is the amount of opportunities and choices one has. For example, you can plan your entire short life on going to say, law school, and then suddenly one summer you question the plan. Why? Because you can. I've met so many people this month who LOVE their jobs (usually government, but some nonprofits too) and who once considered a law degree, thought better of it, and ended up in pretty sweet careers anyway. SO, I've spent the past two nights browsing grad schools online for public policy programs. I found several, even some who offer joint MPP/JD programs...but then I saw the price tags. How am I supposed to take advantage of opportunities if I'm afraid of the $80,000 debt attached to them? Does opportunity only knock on the doors of the rich? Not if you know how to fill out scholarship applications/plan on paying off the debt with your future 6-figure salary:)

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