Tuesday, June 29, 2010

The Good and Bad Side of Time Wasters

My brief stint as a bee Thursday was exhausting but worth it. I don't know if it was the costume or the free ice cream, but people seemed to leave the room a little happier. There were even a couple of babies to entertain. Apparently my antics were caught on tape and will most likely be on Good Morning America this week. Awesome.

Friday was more relaxing; worked on newsletter drafts (hopefully all the ag economists out there actually read this stuff, but if not I get paid anyway), and then finished the day strong with what's becoming a weekly tradition: happy hour in the sculpture garden. MUCH less crowded this week, but we were still lucky to find a shady spot. I definitely rocked the floppy hat, as my perpetually sunburned face just can't take it anymore. I was peer-pressured into going to a friend's townhouse nearby later instead of going home to sleep, which at that moment sounded more delicious than anything they could buy at the liquor store. Glad I went though, don't want to sleep my summer away! Sipping cider in rocking chairs on a back porch feels like home, except for the added pleasure of being able to see directly in a senator's house next door.

Most of the weekend was blissfully uneventful. Cake-baking adventures followed by a successful surprise party Saturday, reading and a get-together in Columbia Heights Sunday. I discovered the Pentagon City mall on my way to the thing Sunday, and bought a new straw cowboy hat (more for sun protection than looks at this point). Highlight of the day: walking to the Metro from the mall wearing my new hat when this military-looking guy yells "what's goin' on cowgirl!"

Homemade sangria and brownie-muffins were as perfect as my friend R's tiny one-bedroom apartment on 14th Street that she shares with her guy. It was just so neat and clean and organized...she must not be a pack rat like me. I've already managed to lose the floor in my room here underneath piles of bags and clothes. This could also be attributed to the fact that there is no dresser yet in the baby's room (aka my room).

I meant to clean up yesterday, but after working a 10 hour day (not kidding), followed by a Metro delay because some fool jumped in front of the train, sleep won over neatness hands down. I spent most of the 10 hours finishing up the 3 newsletters we send to members, but I met a lot of interesting people yesterday morning at the Farm Bureau briefing. The first woman I talked to asked me if I was "familiar" with the organization as we were setting up breakfast. I replied that I was a total FFA dork in high school, so of course. I didn't tell her that I actually applied for the Farm Bureau summer internship and didn't get it, but it wasn't really a great fit anyway - rejection leads to bigger and better things! Nice people though. The chief economist told mean excellent story involving Zippy Duvall and GA peanuts...must remember to tell his son, who interning on the Hill, about this. I met a guy who works for the Environmental Defense Fund, which basically sounds like what I want to do with my life, and they hire lawyers and economists, so I could go either way. Plus I would love to work in DC or NYC!

Final observation for today's post: people in this town want quick, to-the-point, dumbed-down information. I think reporters call them "sound bites." At every single briefing I've attended thus far, the reporters/representatives always ask the speakers what their "recommendations" are or the "implications" of their work on this or that. I feel like regular folk don't grasp that scientists and researchers aren't supposed to make policy recommendations; they research facts and present them to people who make the decisions. The first lesson they taught us in economics intro classes was the difference between positive and normative economics. You would think that grown people who have been on the DC scene for years would have figured that out by now. And another thing, I HATE when people ask questions either about something the speaker has already discussed or is in the written report. I am the world's worst listener and have a slight case of ADD, so if I already heard the answer, you did too. Speaking of wasting time, my lunch break was over ten minutes ago. Back to the real world!

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