Wednesday, June 9, 2010

"Union Station, please exit to your left"

6:00 AM does not like me. As I boarded the Metro, I thought to myself that of course it was just me, being a newbie and all, but the hundreds of sleep-deprived faces I saw quickly corrected me. According to my cousin S, people commute in to DC from far, far away....some people even leave their houses at 2AM! I believe I would just move here.

I perked up after some coffee and a cookie, and headed to a committee hearing. Definitely didn't get into the actual room due to some shoe and security issues, but observed from the overflow room. TA (take-away)#1: congressmen love to hear themselves talk. Maybe talking time correlates to votes? Most of the discussion seemed to be about poorly worded/interpreted terms in the Bill, which is really not getting at the heart of the problem, if you know what I mean. TA #2: no one should be worried about their representative not speaking up for them. Almost every question posed to the witnesses by the subcommittee was prefaced with a description of how the issue (when I say issue, I mean how the agency allegedly effed up) affects their constituents. I don't know why I found this so funny, but I laughed audibly a couple of times. Good thing I was too late for the hearing room after all.

TA #3: The absence of a heel on a shoe is a necessary but insufficient condition for the shoe to be deemed a "comfortable shoe." I learned this the hard way, and will be rocking sandals tomorrow for walking purposes, with the heels in my bag for a quick switch when I get there. Locals probably already know this trick, but future interns should take note.

I successfully navigated the Metro (with the help of my Meetro app) back to my car, but sadly the search for a bank and a pharmacy was not as successful. Grocery stores, however, are relatively easy to find. Or maybe I just have an internal food radar:)

Quote of the day: "That seems to be the thing of the day, to multitask." - Rep. Goodlatte, reprimanding a witness for her agency's failure to finish a report on time.

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